AmazingTalker reviews about our online Arabic tutors

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wrote toانا هشام من تايوان.🏅

2024/07/01 13:13
Teacher Hisham, 有豐富的教學經驗以及實際的中東在地生活歷練, 除了穩扎穩打的協助學生基礎建立,還能補充生活實務上的例子, 讓學語言更貼近實際的狀況,也讓學生理解語言建構的道理, 而減少死背硬記的方式, 大推!

wrote toجودت التايواني

2023/08/03 03:22

wrote toجودت التايواني

2023/05/30 16:29
我會上了一段時間才寫下對老書的感言, 是因為人都是自私的, 我怕上課要選擇的時段, 被其他學生給佔走, 哈.....老書有很強的語言背景, 很認真教學, 若大家有心想學好阿拉伯文的話, 真的可以考慮, 還有, 不要亂唸來呼弄老書, 因為他聽力的耳朵很厲害.

wrote toجودت التايواني

2022/08/08 22:14
知道自己學習能力比較差, 進度比較慢,老師都會用心教導 上課時, 有很多說話練習, 組織句子 老師亦都會從我的說話技巧發音作出指引教導

wrote to🥇 أستاذ منتصر

2022/01/16 14:37
當初會選擇Montaser老師是因為他的設備很好,聲音清楚沒有延遲甚至還用綠幕效果把自己的背景key掉。此外Montaser老師教學也認真,可以接受上課錄影,也能使用英文正常溝通與授課,不會有太多的small talk。美中不足的是有時會遲到,但會自動把時間補上。 總之,Montaser老師的課程是有品質在的。推薦給中文世界對阿拉伯語有興趣的學習者!

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wrote toجودت التايواني

2021/09/04 16:53
非常感謝Joe老師的細心教導!上課的氣氛也很好,老師也會給我一些學習上的建議,還有推薦我一部約旦的影集٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ 期待之後的課程!

wrote toانا هشام من تايوان.🏅

2021/07/07 21:04

wrote toجودت التايواني

2021/06/26 19:21
很棒的課!對於一個詞或單字,Joe會用很活用的方式情境、影片、圖片等等來說明延伸,一個字就可以學到很多東西 really enjoy it ! great class for everyone

wrote toنادي | أزهريّ ومتحدث فصيح للعربية والعامية

2021/05/14 18:01
今天我們練習了 Ta' and Tha' :) Thanks so much for the patiently teaching

wrote toجودت التايواني

2020/12/30 02:10

wrote toاحمد محي

2020/12/30 01:48

wrote toZahoor Ahmad

2020/12/30 01:42

wrote toHouria maahoud

2020/12/30 00:03

wrote toجودت التايواني

2020/12/24 15:13
Joe老師非常有耐心, 今天不僅為我複習了阿語的字母, 也提點了一些發音秘訣, 讓我更能快速上手, 此外, 今天也學到了阿語世界中標準語跟方言需要注意的地方, 覺得有需要的同學真的要趕快來試聽看看, 很值得喔!!!

wrote toانا هشام من تايوان.🏅

2020/11/02 22:37

wrote to✨ Hana ✨ تعلم بطريقة طبيعية

2020/09/08 22:08
Hana 老師很nice, 很漂亮,老師的英文很好,溝通不會有問題。在堂上老師教了好多簡單口說,我可以利用這些與阿拉伯人打招呼。這堂雖然是體驗課,但老師教學我超過了了25分鐘,真的謝謝老師很用心!Teacher Hana is very nice and beautiful. Her English is very good, so there will be no problems in communication. The teacher in the classroom taught a lot of simple words, I can use these to greet the Arabs. Although this class is a trial class, the teacher taught me for more than 25 minutes. Thank you teacher Hana.

wrote toMohamed Fouad-Professional Arabic Teacher with 15 years of experience

2017/11/19 10:35
這個老師很熱心:)非常有熱誠 進度也很理想(我希望能教得快一點他就教得很快). Very Nice Teacher. knows the problems and very patient with the students.❤️很推薦給阿拉伯語的學生。

wrote toIbrahim Mostafa

2017/05/20 12:21
老師他非常用心,有準備當地學生使用的阿語教材書給學生用,由於我還不太熟悉字母,老師除了帶我一個一個學習字母外,也特別注意糾正我的發音,因為阿拉伯語有很多音是中文沒有的,所以對一個母語是中文的人而言,學起來又特別困難。即使體驗課的三十分鐘到了,老師還是想把他想教的全部教完 (當然他有問我還有沒有時間),老師也教了字母自己的音跟它在單字裡的發音,還有加上符號之後的變音,整堂課下來,獲益良多,覺得自己又在阿語的學習道路上逐漸打穩基礎。

wrote toJamal Idrissi

2017/05/13 23:12
非常有耐心的老師!很推! 第一次學習阿拉伯文,想要以口語表達為主,但老師還是堅持從頭的字母講起,而且非常清晰!把發音規則講得很清楚(可能是也不太難),但老師很有耐心,也是一個字一個字教,讓人感覺不會因為初學而感到很緊張,上課可以感到很多成就感,覺得自己有所收穫,最後以日常會話作結。 比較可惜的地方是上課時候網路好像不太順,但不影響品質,很棒!

wrote toأَنَا عبد الله معلم العَرَبِيَّةَ والقرآن الكريم

2017/05/13 00:32
雖然老師上課第一天有點遲到(應該是因為第一次機器操作不順),不過老師後來補上了很久,加起來有超過原本的課時,所以讓我蠻欣慰的。老師一上課就從阿拉伯字母開始教,教了幾個之後也會回去從頭複習,上完課我現在大概可以背出所有的阿拉伯字母,短短三十分鐘左右算是進度頗快的!老師會用螢幕廣播講義上課,唯一美中不足的點就是老師沒有開camera,有一些發音看不到老師嘴型實在是有點困難,尤其阿拉伯文很多音都很像,也許老師下次可以試試給學生模仿嘴型( Teacher can try to make Arabic alphabets more understood by showing students how to pronounce and the shapes of mouths with camera, so they can pronounce better then.)

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Average tutor prices by tutors' nationality

  • Egipt

    38,44 zł - 64,07 zł / hr

  • Włochy

    40,64 zł - 67,74 zł / hr

  • Liban

    22,75 zł - 37,92 zł / hr

  • Tajwan

    72,30 zł - 120,50 zł / hr

  • Syria

    27,28 zł - 45,47 zł / hr

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Q1. Why should I learn on AmazingTalker?

AmazingTalker’s one-on-one tutoring services are ideal for everyone who wants to learn efficiently and effectively. We have professional tutors for toddlers, small children, older kids, middle and high school students, and adults of all levels, including tutors for beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.

Our tutoring services can help you improve in all aspects of the language - listening, writing, reading, speaking, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. You can also customize your lesson focus (e.g., a business programs). Whether your goal is to improve your conversation skills for fun, prepare for a test or speak more fluently at work, AmazingTalker's tutors are here to help.
Q2. Who are our tutors?

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If you have a clear idea of your criteria for choosing a tutor - such as any specific learning objectives, target cost for tutoring, etc. - you can use the search function to quickly find a tutor who suits your needs, and select “book trial” to set up your first online lesson.

If you don't have time to find a tutor or aren't sure where to start, we can help with recommendations. Try using our tutor recommendation tool here, which will provide you with tutor matches according to your selected needs.
Q4. What's the right learning environment for me? Should I choose a tutor who is a native speaker?

One of the best ways to learn is to immerse yourself in an environment where you try to use only .

However, if you do not currently have a solid base in spelling and/or vocabulary, we recommend you choose a bilingual tutor who speaks your target language and your native language, as you will likely have a better learning experience during your one-on-one private tutoring.

If you have a good range of vocabulary but lack the opportunity to practice, then we recommend you choose a native tutor.
Q5. Learn in the US - how do I find a local or online tutor?

You're in the right place. We have local tutors serving New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and most other areas nationwide, as well as numerous tutors based internationally.
Q6. How much will my online class cost?

All tutoring fees are set by the tutors themselves, and not by AT. Most of our tutors charge USD$10-30 per hour.

You can also get matched with suitable tutors who fit a specific budget. If the tutor’s fees work for you, you can buy a lesson package from them or start with a “trial lesson.”
Q7. How do I pay for my lessons?

You can pay with PayPal or credit card (American Express, Mastercard, or Visa). For certain international markets (e.g. Taiwan), we also accept local methods of payment, such as payment via ATM or convenience store.
Q8. How many lessons should I purchase?

If you have a short term goal, we recommend you purchase enough lessons that you can take classes consistently within your timeframe. If you need significant improvement to reach your goal, we recommend you an adequate number of lessons, and get into the habit of regular weekly learning! The more you put in, the more you get out of it!
Q9. What if I have more questions?

Our FAQs page should have answers to most of your questions. If you can't find the answer to your question on the FAQs page, you can contact us by clicking the red question mark (?) icon at the bottom right of your screen.